
STEM for Britain

I was happy to meet with Dr Tom Chamberlin and learn more about his work looking at novel temperature sensors at this Year’s STEM Britain’s annual poster competition for early career researchers in science, engineering, technology and maths, which takes place in Parliament each year.  The competi

World Parkinson’s Day 2024

This week we marked World Parkinson’s Day. More than 120,000 people in the U.K. currently live with Parkinson’s disease and many die with it, including my father.

Rural Crime Team

It was great to spend some time with the Rural Crime Team and to witness the important work they do first hand. 


Visit to University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire

I recently visited UHCW to meet the Chief Executive, Professor Andy Hardy, and discuss the work of the hospital. I am grateful to hospital staff for the care they provide to many of my constituents. 

Tithe Lodge Café

I am delighted that the Whistling Kettle Café at Tithe Lodge in Southam is now open.

I was pleased to join Cllr Angela John, the Mayor of Southam, for the official opening.

Warwickshire Pub of the Year

Congratulations to The Old Bakery Pub for being named Warwickshire Pub of the Year by the Coventry and District branch of CAMRA for the second year in a row.