
Compensation for those damaged by vaccinations

One of the benefits of being a Member of Parliament is the opportunity to meet, and hopefully help, some remarkable people. Undoubtedly in that category are Jamie and Kate Scott, whose story you may have seen in the national press.

Kenilworth Station: Bike Hire

I have made a funding application to West Midlands Trains in partnership with Warwickshire County Council (WCC). We would like to bring bikes available to hire to Kenilworth Station so that those who come to the town can travel on in a sustainable way.

Warwickshire Youth Council

It was fantastic to join the Warwickshire Youth Council for their welcome and introduction to the Youth Council meeting.

It was the first meeting after the recent Warwickshire Youth Council elections, when a record of 1,300 votes were cast to elect the successful candidates. 

Institute for Government

I was pleased to participate as a panellist last Thursday at the Institute for Government’s event about how political parties can improve ethical standards in government.

Tobacco and Vapes Bill

The Tobacco and Vapes Bill which was considered by the House of Commons this week is a piece of legislation which will make sensible changes to the law on vaping to ensure that it is done by adults transitioning away from cigarettes rather than by children, but which also has a very ambitious aim


Today we remember the immense sacrifice and service of those from Australia and New Zealand in the defence of freedom and the values we all cherish.